In the City For Good has been working in the low income community of Fair Park for 23 years trying to make life better for the folks who live there. Our method has been to find neighborhood organizations who are doing well to help the community and partner with them to help them do even better.

Our latest partner is Cornerstone Church and no organization we have worked with has done more for their neighborhood. They have formed the Cornerstone Community Development Corporation with a mission to assist the residents living in the inner-city community of South Dallas/Fair Park neighborhood in breaking out of the cycle of poverty and becoming productive citizens in the community. Pastor Chris L. Simmons is in his 35th year of leading the church, and over the years in partnership with a number of other congregations, corporations, civic groups, nonprofit agencies, and individuals has worked to provide various community-based and grassroots outreaches. We have collaborated with them on their South Point Market that they built a year ago which is doing a wonderful job of providing food and other everyday needs at an exceptionally low price.

However there is still no restaurant in the community. A few months ago Cornerstone acquired an abandoned former restaurant located in the heart of the community for the purpose of not only serving the community but also as a tool to teach people in the community how to operate so they can learn an income producing profession. They then contacted us about restoring the building and per the sketch above are designing an attractive restaurant to bring in customers from outside the neighborhood. We are now in the process of bringing this dream to a reality.