
joining forces to change more lives.

Due to our long-standing history of building relationships and compassionately caring for the Fair Park community, In The City for Good is excited to join Spectra and Biederman Redevelopment Ventures as partners in a newly created nonprofit, Fair Park First. At the beginning of 2019, Fair Park First assumed management of Fair Park through a 20-year contract with the city of Dallas.

In the City for Good will manage community outreach and engagement by strengthening relationships between the park and its neighbors and convening a local advisory group to make recommendations for Spectra and Biederman’s work. Advisory group members may include leaders from area schools, churches, nonprofits, businesses, neighborhoods associations, and local city officials. Our efforts will also help to extend Fair Park’s redevelopment benefits into surrounding neighborhoods, including through publicizing Fair Park’s job training and internship programs to residents of the community.

Spectra, a global event and venue management company, will run day-to-day operations and market the diverse space to fill Fair Park year-round. Spectra manages venue, food services and partnerships for more than 320 venues across the nation, including 22 different fairgrounds and agricultural centers. Biederman Redevelopment Ventures, the urban development firm that will be responsible for updating the Park’s Master Plan and creating a neighborhood park, will guide strategic oversight of green space development. Biederman was the design force behind Dallas’ hyper-successful Klyde Warren Park.


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